American Medicine MisManaged Care
by Carter V. Multz
Infinity Publishing (2005)
ISBN 0741425157
Reviewed by Debra Gaynor for Reader Views (1/07)
Dr. Carter V. Multz recalls three surgeries on a bleeding ulcer and how the last two could have been prevented with proper treatment. The original surgery and biopsy showed that bacteria caused the ulcer. Treating Dr. Multz with an antibiotic would have prevented future difficulties. His cardiologist adjusted his medication but the order was missed. "No harm ensued," but these incidents show the need for better communication between patients and their physicians.
"Big Business has taken over American Medicine. Doctors have been driven out of business, hospitals closed, and access to patients has been limited. Corporations are out to make money and care little for the patient. Doctors now respond to insurance companies not the patient. Insurance costs are out of control. Patients cannot afford insurance and yet cannot afford to be without it. The pharmaceutical industry must also accept their share of responsibility in the quagmire of American Medicine.
Dr. Multz suggests that citizens and medical professional should be involved in decisions about healthcare, especially those that restrict or ration any element of care. What are we willing to pay for as a group? Such as, what forms of cosmetic surgery should we, as a group, be willing to pay for? Citizens should be involved in pricing and availability. A commission should be formed in a capacity of advisory and review.
Dr. Carter V. Multz calls on his vast experience to suggest improvement in the American Medical system. He speaks his opinions plainly and simply enough that even I could understand them. I think he has several wise proposals. The cover of this book is well done, a flag and a broken symbol of the AMA, what could speak louder to the condition of our medical system. I highly recommend "American Medicine MisManaged Care" for all concerned with the state of medical care in the United States.
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